26 October 2006

The Poor Man: Trick or treat

Reason’s David Weigel also notes the intellectual vapidity of the right-wing Ascendancy:

Hewitt, and many of the pro-Republican bloggers/pundits/radio jabberers that he cites, have taken such a long breather from justifying their party’s policies that they’ve forgotten how to. It’s easy to sniggle at liberals like Markos Moulitsas but his “libertarian Democrat” manifestos are the kind of inward, searching reflections on the state of the political parties that simply aren’t coming from Republican polemicists any more. Josh Trevino, a co-founder of the pre-eminent Republican-boosting blog, RedState, confronted Moultisas’ arguments not by arguing that the GOP had more to offer libertarians, but that the Democrats offered less: the libertarian who joined The Enemy would “find himself in the company of people who do not grasp the connection between capitalism and freedom; he will find himself attending party meetings with neighbors who wish nothing more than to seize his household income for their own civic purposes,” and so on. [What, nothing about Margret Cho’s treasonous puppy dog? -Ed.] All boilerplate that didn’t address the concerns libertarians loudly voice about the GOP. […]


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