01 October 2006

President [Hillary] Clinton Jails 938,000 Illegal Enemy Combatants

Hilarious...should be read by all Republicans.--Dictynna

Temporally realigned by admin on 2006/9/29 7:58:32 (1870 reads)

By Ion Zwitter, Avant News Editor
Washington, D.C., February 2, 2009

A mere two weeks into her tenure, President Hillary Rodham Clinton has announced a sweeping roundup of illegal enemy combatants, the first step in a comprehensive program designed to protect the American people from potential terrorist activities. In accordance with the Military Commissions Act of 2006, the nearly one million detainees will be held indefinitely without trial or recourse to legal counsel until such time as the President determines they no longer pose a threat to the United States and its allies.


While the names and crimes of the detainees are classified to protect the interests of national security, a clue as to some of their identities could be gleaned by means of a stroll though major government offices around the country. Four of the nine Supreme Court Justices, for example, failed to show up for work, as did approximately 220 congressmen, 52 senators and a number of governors and presiding justices of district and appellate courts. The vast majority of absentees, coincidentally, were Republicans, in particular those congressional republicans who had voted for the impeachment of former president Bill Clinton.


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