14 December 2006

Americablog: READ THIS: Religious right leader, Republican politician Roy Moore, says American Muslims are not fit for US Congress

by John in DC - 12/13/2006 03:33:00 PM

I've often said that George Bush's America increasingly reminds me of Germany circa 1933 or so. Not quite full-blown Nazi era, but not quite all honky-dory either. Well folks, Republican hero Roy Moore just moved the cuckoo clock up a notch to 1934.

(Moore is the guy pushing the "Ten Commandments in every courthouse" campaign. No one could have predicted that he'd be exposed as a raging nutjob.)

According to Moore
, Muslims have no place in the US Congress. That kind of talk is the kind of thing a Nazi would say. Or the Taliban would say. Or a good Soviet-style dictator would say. It's not the kind of thing an American would say. And it's the kind of thing that would itself get you banned forever from public life in 21st century America. Until now. How much do you want to be that Moore doesn't suffer a lick for proclaiming one of the most racist, un-American doctrines to hit our country in decades?


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