17 December 2006

Digby: Truth And Consequences

Back when George W. Bush was riding high Bob Woodward asked him how history would judge the war. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "History. We don't know. We'll all be dead." He was a man of action, then, confident that he was ordained by God to rid the world of evil and that everyone worshipped him. (That's the same interview where he says he doesn't ask his father for advice because he appeals to a "higher father.")

My, how things have changed. Bush is now counting on history to redeem him, and being the shallow little nitwit he is, he will probably rest easy into his dotage believing that no matter how much his presidency may have screwed up the world, ultimately everything will work out. It's a shame about all the dead bodies, but sometimes that's the price others have to pay for the priviledge of getting the American way of life.


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