29 January 2007

Americablog: The Bush/right wing spin and smear machine: Cathie Martin on the inside, "The Insight" on the outside

by Joe in DC - 1/29/2007 09:53:00 AM

We're getting some real insight in to how the right wing, led by the White House press office, manipulates the media. Last week's testimony in the Libby trial by Cathie Martin, a top White House aide, showed how the Bush team plays the big name reporters, like Russert, for the fools they are. Martin is an ultimate Bush insider. Her husband, Kevin, is the Bush-appointed Chair of the Federal Communications Commission. Martin's trickery was analyzed this weekend by the Associated Press
No one served up spicier morsels than Cheney's former top press assistant. Cathie Martin described the craft of media manipulation - under oath and in blunter terms than politicians like to hear in public.


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