26 January 2007

Libby Trial: No Swans Swimming In Sewers

Is it really the intent of the Libby legal team to reintroduce the entire argument over the Bush Administration's flawed case for war in Iraq? Especially after we just completed the tedious slog through jury selection, with the endless string of questions about the potential jurors feelings about Vice President Cheney and the mess that is Iraq?

Because if that truly is their intent -- to bring up the Niger document forgeries, as they did with the Government's witnesses Marc Grossman and Robert Grenier this morning; to bring up the war of words between the CIA and the White House/Vice President's office on who would take the blame for the mess that is Iraq; to bring up an endless string of innuendos that the CIA was out to make Scooter Libby into their fall guy? I'm sorry, but I do not see this jury buying that failure to accept responsibility. It's just a feeling from watching the jurors and the reactions of the folks in the gallery watching the trial...among which, there was a sense of confusion as to what, exactly, defense counsel was trying to get at today, other than to point out that people do, inherently, have memory questions over time.


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