08 February 2007

Digby: Libby Mania

I knew today's Libby testimony was good, but I didn't have time to give it the attention it needed. Luckily, Jane's posted the evening round-up and video run-down.Check it out.

Tomorrow is Tim Russert. Jane says:
There are three more hours of tapes to get through tomorrow, and then Tim Russert testifies. Fitzgerald could not have set the table for his appearance any better. Throughout the taped testimony, Libby repeats over and over again that he could not have heard about Plame from so-and-so, because he remembers being surprised when Russert told him. Well, Russert is going to show up and say he never told Libby about Plame, and if the jury were tempted to believe Libby over the endless parade of people who all would have had to mis-remember in exactly the same way in order for his story to hold up, the Russert testimony may strike the final blow. And while Russert no doubt dreads having to testify, he will probably use the opportunity to try and counter Cathie Martin's assertion last week that he was in the bag for Dick Cheney, ever the pliant administration propagandist.


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