03 April 2007

The Enemy at Home: The Cultural Left and Its Responsibility for 9/11

Interesting review of D'Sousa's book, from Andrew Sullivan of all people.--Dictynna

The Mullah
A Review by Andrew Sullivan


American conservatism is in crisis. That much is almost universally clear. But the next period in American politics will be determined not least by how clearly we understand the crisis of the right. For it may be that the remarkably successful Republican coalition of the last three decades is not at all doomed at the polls. A Giuliani or Romney candidacy, especially up against a Clinton candidacy, could well eke out a victory in 2008. Nor is it quite the case that the familiar fault lines within the movement -- libertarians versus social conservatives, neoconservatives versus realists, economic internationalists versus populists -- have somehow come to a head all at once. The strains are there, all right, and they have been made much more acute in the Bush years under the weight of massive spending increases, evangelical overreach, abuse of executive power, conventional corruption, and (most disastrously) a mismanaged war. But the reflexive sense of cohesion on the right still manages to keep the rickety coalition together -- if only because of the palpable weakness of the alternatives, at least so far.


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