29 April 2007

Letter to the Editor in Stars & Stripes: Painful questions about Iraq

It’s now more than four years since we invaded Iraq. It’s time the American people ask themselves some painful questions. Namely, are we a nation of hypocrites? Consider the following:

n Pre-emptive warfare: The world agrees it was wrong when Napoleon, Mussolini, Hitler and even Saddam Hussein did it; why then is it somehow permissible for America to pre-emptively invade other sovereign nations? Wasn’t Pearl Harbor also pre-emptive warfare?

n Iraq war: Why did the U.S. ultimately spit in the face of the United Nations to invade Iraq for apparently spitting in the face of the U.N.? Why did we also use “dangerous nuclear weapons” in the form of depleted uranium as we invaded Iraq looking for supposed “dangerous nuclear weapons programs”?


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