16 September 2007

Booman Tribune: Impeach or It's Armageddon

by BooMan
Sun Sep 16th, 2007 at 12:50:38 AM EST

Andrew Sullivan in the Times of London:

Some cynics argue that George Bush is playing a small, domestic game of keeping the ordeal [Iraq] going so that the next Democratic president can be accused of losing Iraq – not him. But this theory, while not totally implausible, does not quite fit with the messianic ambitions of the president and apocalyptic fears of Vice-President Dick Cheney.

Okay, so Andrew Sullivan doesn't have any special insight. But the word has definitely gotten out that Dick Cheney is frothing at the mouth to make more evil. There's not a constant amount of evil in the world, you know. It's not a zero-sum game. Cheney makes evil where evil did not previously exist. And his brush-clearing sidekick is too eager to go along. Here's the news coming out today.


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