17 December 2007


'We the People' Must Save Our Constitution

If Senator Dodd needs something relevant to say, this speech, which Al Gore made on Martin Luther King Day, 2006, could be worth making again:
Congressman Barr and I have disagreed many times over the years, but we have joined together today with thousands of our fellow citizens-Democrats and Republicans alike-to express our shared concern that America's Constitution is in grave danger.
Mr Dodd Goes To Town

Today, Chris Dodd is going to show the Senate what integrity looks like. It's probably going to be quite shock. It's a rare thing these days.

As you all probably know, the illustrious Senate Majority leader is insisting on allowing the bill that contains retroactive immunity for huge wealthy corporations to be the basis for debate on the new FISA legislation. (I won't go into all the arcane details, but suffice to say that he's making it impossible for an alternative bill, which doesn't contain immunity, to pass, which he doesn't have to do.)

The Revenge Wing

A conservative commentator says he "gets it:"

It took this recent post by Digby and this morning’s column by Krugman for me to “get it.” If you are a conservative, you should read the two pieces, not to criticize them nor ridicule them, but to understand their perspective. As briefly as possible, Krugman and Digby are speaking for the ‘Revenge Wing’ of the Democratic Party. “The GOP and big corporations are evil incarnate and we need to be ready to rumble, willing to do “what it will take to turn a progressive agenda into reality.”


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