11 January 2008

Digby: Tweety's New Meme

Matthews flogged the Bradley Effect yesterday like he'd just discovered gold ... in his pants. Among other panels with whom he blathered on endlessly on the topic, he had Pat Buchanan, Dr. Eric Dyson and Dee Dee Myers on. Dr. Dyson felt there was evidence of the Bradley Effect and Buchanan disagreed:
Buchanan: ...I think there's a lot of special pleading here, going on right now. All those races you mentioned were general election races. This was a race inside the Democratic Party. Hillary Clinton benefited from a surge of women to her candidacy. Edwards collapsed. The Bradley Effect cannot explain why Edwards did so poorly when the pollsters said he was going to beat Hillary Clinton. I think the piling on by the media, and the gloating over her tears, and people thinking coming out of Iowa that you're supposed to coronate Barack Obama was a tremendous backlash among New Hampshire, voters and independents said you're not gonna impose your fellow on us, we'll choose our own, and the women said we're gonna go in there and we're gonna pick up Hillary Rodham Clinton and stop what's bein' done to her.


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