05 February 2008

Digby: The Lovers And The Fighters

I have often thought that the two parties could be described as two fundamental archetypes: The Lovers vs The Fighters. I don't mean that pejoratively in either sense, but rather that temperamentally, we seem to be motivated by different impulses, both of which are part of all human beings, but which I can loosely characterize with these two terms. This has even been borne out by psychological studies:

As I watch the primary unfold, and see what looks increasingly like a deep desire among the Democratic rank and file to assert Obama's positive, uplifting vision of politics, it looks like Americans may have the starkest choice between a Lover and a Fighter in my lifetime. The man the Republicans appear to be about to nominate is so combative that even his own party fears he's going to knock their heads together as much as the other guy's:


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