08 June 2008


Eye Opener

Clinton has officially suspended her campaign and thrown her support to Obama. I'm sure we'll hear a lot of very nice encomiums over the next few days. The media never loves a Democrat more than immediately after he (or she) concedes.

C&L has the video of Clinton's speech. I thought it was very, very strong --- inspiring, conciliatory, intelligent and respectful of her supporters and her rival. John King and Chris Matthews insist she was "auditioning" for VP. (The implication being, naturally, that she doesn't mean a word of it unless she gets what she wants.) Carl Bernstein said that she made a good start but needs to do much, much more before anyone will believe her. Clearly, the media is going to have a hard time giving up their obsessions.

Bold Assertion

Douglas Holtz-Eakin said the only similarity between McCain's economic plan and Bush's is a commitment to keep taxes low.

``Sadly, it seems that is all President Bush understood in the economy,'' Holtz-Eakin said in an interview to be broadcast this weekend on Bloomberg Television's ``Conversations with Judy Woodruff.'' It is Barack Obama's budget plan, not Senator McCain's, that resembles Bush's policies, he said.
CIC Doesn't Mean What He Thinks It Means

FDL points out that McCain is dissing Bush big time when he says that nobody should romanticize war. After all, the guy who trash talked his way through 2002 through 2004 is the poster boy for childish, armchair warrior bravado. Recently he told the troops in the trenches he wishes he could be there with them, fighting for God and glory:

"I must say, I'm a little envious," Bush said. "If I were slightly younger and not employed here, I think it would be a fantastic experience to be on the front lines of helping this young democracy succeed."

Old News

In another example of angry, vitriolic, hate-filled left wing blogging, a number of us were writing and discussing, oh four years ago, about the Pentagon loons and how they were in cahoots with Iranian and Iraqi kooks in making the Greatest Strategic Blunder in Modern Memory. I believe we were mostly called traitors and deluded conspiracy theorists, although there were many colorful epithets hurled our way. Certainly the mainstream press wasn't interested. They were too busy getting fitted for their Prada safari jackets to pay attention to these stories. (Besides, it just wasn't sexy, you know? No broads, no spicy gossip.)

Who Us?

Can I tell you how incredibly annoying it is when Republicans go on TV and sanctimoniously lecture us about how the American people want all the Democrats to stop being so partisan and sit down and compromise for the good of the nation?


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