16 July 2008

Glenn Greenwald: Tom Friedman Doesn’t Understand Why America Is Unpopular In The World

Tom Friedman is befuddled. He cannot understand “the decline in American popularity around the world under President Bush” and is specifically upset about the fact that “China is now more popular in Asia than America and how few Europeans say they identify with the United States.” Friedman generously allows that “[a]n America that presides over Abu Ghraib, torture and Guantánamo Bay deserves a thumbs-down” — a “thumbs-down”: what a playful movie critic says about a boring film. In listing America’s small imperfections that have caused this worldwide unpopularity, Friedman forgot to mention America’s invasion and occupation of Iraq, which Friedman himself cheered on.

Despite that list of America’s “mistakes” (”Abu Ghraib, torture and Guantánamo Bay”), Friedman nonetheless pronounces that worldwide disapproval of America is “self-indulgent, knee-jerk and borderline silly.” Why? Because Zimbabwe is worse (its dictator stole the last election and represses the country’s citizens), as is China and Russia (they vetoed U.N. sanctions against Zimbabwe this week).


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