05 July 2008

Katha Pollitt: Who's Afraid of Judy Maccabee?

Why is it that whenever women start to get anywhere in this fallen world the big question is: what about men? A handful of single women have sperm-bank babies: fatherhood is dead! Girls start taking school seriously and, not surprisingly, get into excellent colleges: there's a war against boys in education! When women are underrepresented in a desirable field the usual explanation is their personal preferences: women just don't want to do physics or sell refrigerators, and who are we to question their choices? Maybe it's genetic! With men, it's almost the opposite: no one asks why men don't become kindergarten teachers, and if men eschew an area they formerly dominated, it's because women are taking over and "feminizing" it--painting the office Seashell Pink, hanging lace curtains and leaving their cooties on the chairs.


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