18 August 2008


They Did It

by digby

For several weeks I've been issuing joking disclaimers that my criticisms of McCain on completely unrelated subjects should not be considered an attack on his service in Vietnam. (I did it earlier today.) It never occurred to me that they'd actually go there

Setting The Table For Armageddon

by digby

Where do they get these crazy ideas?
Arab world sees Bush's response to Georgia-Russia crisis as hypocritical

The U.S. president should be 'too ashamed to speak about the occupation of any country, he is already occupying one,' one observer says.

President Bush's condemnation of Russia as a bullying intimidator in the Georgian conflict struck a hypocritical note in a Middle East that has endured violent reverberations from the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, and where the sharp White House rhetoric against Moscow echoes what many Arabs feel in turn about the U.S.
Believe Your Eyes

by digby

Kevin is right when he says that painting McCain as a rich, hypocritical warmonger is not going to get the job done. This country has proven more than once that it likes rich, hypocritical warmongers just fine. That line of attack shows that the Democrats aren't merely playing the game less effectively than the Republicans, they aren't even on the same playing field.


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