16 September 2008

Daily Kos: Pastor: Palin Was Part of Abortion Clinic Disruptions

Mon Sep 15, 2008 at 03:30:26 AM PDT

There's a new article in Salon.com on the Reverend Howard Bess, a Baptist minister from outside Sarah Palin's Wasilla compound who regularly fought Palin and her right wing church. He wrote a book, "Pastor: I am Gay," that reports say Palin tried to ban from the local library.

Buried in the article is a little nugget. Palin was involved in an effort to take over the local hospital board and block all abortions in the facility. This forced any woman -- including women who were raped and had to pay for their own rape kit -- who even wanted counseling on abortion to travel to Seattle.

Locals sued the hospital and won an injunction from the state Supreme Court that required the hospital to provide the option, and the local religious right went nuts. They held a picket line to block access to the clinic. And on the picket line?


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