05 November 2008

Michael Kinsley: McCain's Last Mistake

Undivided government won't be as bad as he warned it would be.

By Michael Kinsley
Posted Tuesday, Nov. 4, 2008, at 9:31 PM ET

John McCain's last, desperate argument to the voters was the danger of undivided government. Give the Democrats the White House, both houses of Congress, maybe even a flibuster-proof majority in the Senate, and they will be unstoppable. And then God knows what they'll do.

As I write, it's still too early on Election Night to know whether the Democrats will actually achieve their flibuster-proof Senate majority. If they don't, there will be wise observers all over TV and in Wednesday's newspapers asserting that the voters have chosen divided government or decided to warn the Democrats not to go too far, or some such nonsense.


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