01 February 2009

The Big Con Back to the Seventies (2): This One's for the True Blues Only

Anyone who follows my work closely knows that one of my obsessions is conservative zombie lies about Vietnam: stories made up, often at the highest levels, by right-wing moutebanks to spread the propaganda that VIetnam was a noble and successful venture until liberals in Congress came along and screwed it up. The granddaddy of the lies is the one about how South Vietnam could have survived as a free and independent country after the American withdrawal in 1973, but for a vote by Congressional liberals denying aid to Saigon in 1974. This decision to deny military aid to Vietnam has been blown up in the wingnut imagination as a world-historic stab in the back, an event on par in historic importance with D-Day, Agincourt, the signing of the Declaration of Independence, possibly all rolled into one. Actually, as the facts demonstrate, [1] that decision was bi-partisan, uncontroversial, overwhelmingly popular, led by Barry Goldwater and tacitly endorsed by Nixon and Kissinger, who understood that South Vietnam could never survive as an free and independent country no matter how much money we shoveled them.


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