27 September 2009

The Mystique of 'Free Market' Obama

Editor’s Note: There is a debate forming between those on the Left (like Michael Moore) who believe that it’s a mistake to think that President Obama can implement change while progressives mostly sit on their hands and a more critical faction that wants to demand that Obama do what he promised in Campaign 2008.

Moore’s side believes that Obama (an African-American male raised by a single mother) wants to do the right thing for average Americans but faces enormous obstacles from an entrenched political/media structure anchored in the econmic status quo. This structure possesses a potent propaganda machine that can stir up lots of mischief, while the progressives have largely ignored the need for a countervailing media structure.

The Moore side takes the view that it is unrealistic to expect that Obama can defeat this legion of powerful adversaries as a lone ranger. Appearing on television (to promote his new documentary, “Capitalism: A Love Story”), Moore wondered what happened to the millions of Americans who voted for Obama but have since retreated into the shadows.

In this guest essay, media critic Jeff Cohen takes the opposing view, suggesting that progressives should get much tougher on Obama:

When he compromises, it’s not Obama’s fault – it’s the opposition. Retreat is never a sell-out but a shrewd tactic, part of some secret long-range strategy for triumphant reform.

He’s been in the White House eight months. It’s time for activists take a harder look at Obama. And a more assertive posture toward him.


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