17 October 2009

Democratic destiny and electoral doom

Last night, on Chris Matthews' "Hardball," there appeared a Tea Partyer -- from Texas, I think, though I'm not sure, as during the segment's opening I was preparing my typical American-proletarian feast of generic Rice Krispies -- who was hustling the fiction that he and his little neanderthal band's "movement," if you will, is nonpartisan and non-ideological.

Matthews sat stupefied, if not amused, pursuing logic and history, which is always a wasteful mistake with these guys.

Where, asked Matthews, were you folks and your outrage when George W. Bush was busting the budget like a Mad King Ludwig and putting plutocrats on lavish government welfare? And what was Barack Obama to do, when he inherited this wreck of a nation, other than try to stimulate the economy? Was he to emulate Herbert Hoover? Is that what you wanted?

Well, Matthews' Tea Partying guest avowed historical ignorance of Hooverism -- strangely, I believed him -- but on the other hand he was expert on what followed; he was, that is, pretty darn sure that FDR's reversal of Hooverism was what deepened and prolonged the Great Depression. Matthews, once an econ major and still a vigorous reader of American history, was too befuddled and time-constrained to educate the idiot. Like that would have helped, anyway.


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