15 February 2010

Conservative condescension: Projection and conservative victomology on parade-Part 6

by: Paul Rosenberg

Sun Feb 14, 2010 at 18:00

In Part I, I dealt with the introduction and transition of Gerard Alexander's WaPo commissioned editorial, "Why are liberals so condescending". In Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5 I dealt with the four liberal narratives Alexander cites as manifestations of so-called "liberal condescension." This final diary deals with the underwhelming conlusion of Alexander's column.

First, Alexander insists:

These four liberal narratives not only justify the dismissal of conservative thinking as biased or irrelevant -- they insist on it.

But, since I've demolished his arguments about each of the four narratives, not so much. Remember, he's never even tried to produce any evidence that any of the narratives he's gone on about are held as widely or inflexibly as he argues--or more importantly that liberals claim they apply to all conservatives.


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