26 June 2010

Myths & Facts About "Myth & Facts About AmericaSpeaks"

The organizers of AmericaSpeaks, tomorrow's "town hall meeting"/media event designed to focus attention on budget-cutting, have issued a document called "Myths & Facts About AmericSpeaks: Our Budget, Our Economy [1]." A number of excellent pieces have already been written about the slanted point of view in their materials, which are designed to manipulate attendees into advocated cuts in the social safety net. This document, however, warrants a response of its own.

The organizers present five alleged "myths," together with what they claim are the "facts." They've clearly been stung by the eloquence and visibility of their critics, but they to respond convincingly. A fair-minded review of their "myths" and "facts" led to the following assessment: Their response includes some real facts and a great deal of myth.

Their first statement suggests that there are actually two "myths" about their organization, one from the Left and one from the Right: "AmericaSpeaks: Our Budget, Our Economy is either (a) a liberal effort to raise taxes, or (b) a conservative effort to cut Social Security." This is an example of the false picture organizers have been promoting for weeks. They continue to insist they're getting equal criticism from conservatives and liberals. That's not true.


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