17 February 2011

Republicans Cut Jobs, Keep Oil Company Tax Breaks, Don't Cut Military!

By Dave Johnson
Created 02/16/2011 - 1:29am

As you read this, remember what Republicans did just a few weeks ago to force huge tax cuts for the wealthy, adding as much as $900 to budget deficits. Also, keep in mind that we spend more on military than every other country combined.

People Want Job Creation Not Cuts

Finally, keep in mind that polls show the public wants job creation, and does not want cuts in the things government does for We, the People. On the Campaign for America's Future website front page [1] under "THE PULSE" you can see the results of a poll, showing significant majorities reject cuts in various programs. (Other polls [2] show broad public support for increasing taxes on the wealthy.)

What the public wants, the public doesn't get. This isn't about what the public wants. It certainly isn't about jobs. And, right after increasing the deficits with huge tax cuts for the wealthy, this is not about cutting deficits, either. It certainly isn't about governing or the public interest. This is about one thing only: gutting the [3] hated government.


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