08 March 2011

Dem Blue Dogs: Implement Catfood Commission Recommendations, Or Face FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON!!!!! OH NOES!!!!!!

I hardly know where to begin. First of all, it's clear that the Democrats plan to implement the recommendations of the Catfood Commission, the same recommendations that couldn't muster enough of the votes it allegedly had to get before it would be presented to the House for a vote. So that's one really big lie to the American public; we were never meant to have any say, it's already decided.

Second, this reporter talks about what Mark Warner's presentation "shows." It does not "show" anything -- it contends, and it is widely disputed by many reputable economists, two of them Nobel Prize winners. It is in the same factesque vein of a prosecutor's opening statement to the jury.

But facts don't seem to matter anymore, do they?


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