03 October 2011

Tomgram: Peter Van Buren, How the American Taxpayer Got Plucked in Iraq

Chickening Out in Iraq
How Your Tax Dollars Financed “Reconstruction” Madness in the Middle East

By Peter Van Buren

Very few people outside the agricultural world know that if the rooster in a flock dies the hens will continue to produce fertile eggs for up to four weeks because “sperm nests,” located in the ovary ducts of hens, collect and store sperm as a survival mechanism to ensure fertile eggs even after the male is gone. I had to know this as part of my role in the reconstruction of Iraq.

Like learning that Baghdad produced 8,000 tons of trash every day, who could have imagined when we invaded Iraq that such information would be important to the Global War on Terror? If I were to meet George W., I would tell him this by way of suggesting that he did not know what he was getting the country into.


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