19 May 2012

Don't Buy the Spin: How Cutting the Pentagon's Budget Could Boost the Economy

Friday, 18 May 2012 09:22  
By Robert Pollin and Heidi Garrett-Peltier, The Nation | News Analysis 

Should the enormous US military budget—which is more than double the combined levels of military spending by China, the United Kingdom, France, Russia and Germany—be cut? This question is finally on the table, thanks to the winding down of combat activities in Iraq and Afghanistan and to Washington’s obsession with tamping down the federal deficits that have arisen from the Great Recession. Many who would like to protect the military from the budget knife raise economic arguments to make their case: Won’t cutting military spending be bad for jobs, just when we need to maintain focus on reducing unemployment? Won’t it threaten the country’s long-term technological capabilities?


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