04 July 2012

Communists in Congress Today? Probing the Roots of 'McCarthyism'

Greg Mitchell on June 30, 2012 - 9:46 AM ET

On Bill Maher’s HBO show last night, Amy Goodman—a guest on the panel for the first time—reminded Bill and the audience that a new McCarthyism was always a threat in America, even if at a more limited range than the original, back in the early 1950s. She pointed out that Representative Allen West, the raging Florida rightwinger, had claimed there were dozens of “Communists” in Congress, and that meant he could only be referring to the Progressive Caucus.

We’re a long way from the “Red Scare” of old, but we have seen, in increasing numbers in recent years, GOP politicians and rightwing pundits and radio hosts decrying the alleged anti-Americanism of many on the left, including liberal centrists like President Obama. So it might be useful here to look back at how “McCarthyism” got its name—a reminder for some, perhaps a revelation to younger people who may know what it means but unsure of the history.


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