06 October 2012

Paul Krugman: The Real Romney Emerges

As many people have been pointing out, Mitt Romney's talk about the "47 percent" was no different from what you hear all the time from Rush Limbaugh and the like. But bear in mind that Mr. Romney was talking to the financial super-elite, and gave every appearance of believing what he said. (I'm usually scornful of analyses based on how someone "comes across," and would never put much weight on it, but the Mitt Romney of this video was a lot looser and more articulate than the guy we usually see.)

What this strongly suggests is that the Masters of the Universe, and Master Mitt himself, really believe all this stuff — which is pretty remarkable. His "lucky ducky" trope about people who depend on the government and pay no federal income tax is clearly, obviously nonsense. Equally obviously, it was originally created in an effort to dupe people who didn't know better.


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