15 December 2012

Why Is the Failed Monti a 'Technocrat' and the Successful Correa a 'Left-Leaning Economist'?

by William K. Black
The New York Times produces profiles of national leaders like Italy’s Mario Monti and Ecuador’s Rafael Correa.  I invite readers to contrast the worshipful treatment accorded Monti with the Correa profile.  The next time someone tells you the NYT is a “leftist” paper you can show them how far right it is on financial issues.

The NYT’s slant in describing Monti as a “technocrat” and Correa as a “left-leaning economist” is typical of the dominant media.  Monti and Correa both have doctorates in economics from U.S. universities and both have been professors of economics.  Why does the NYT treat Monti reverentially and Correa dismissively?


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