08 September 2013

Catch up on the Syria issue with the two following articles from the Atlantic:

Your Labor Day Syria Reader, Part 1: Stevenson and Lofgren

"Attacking Syria is simply not in the U.S. national interest; and absent an objective assessment from a neutral inspection team, and absent a UN resolution, the U.S. has no legitimate authority under any law or treaty to act unilaterally. Period."
James Fallows, Sep 2 2013, 9:15 AM ET

Your Labor Day Syria Reader, Part 2: William Polk 

James Fallows, Sep 2 2013, 4:55 PM ET

Many times I've mentioned the foreign-policy assessments of William R. Polk [... ] who first wrote for the Atlantic (about Iraq) during Dwight Eisenhower's administration, back in 1958, and served on the State Department's Policy Planning staff during the Kennedy years. He now has sent in a detailed analysis about Syria.


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