03 November 2013

The Texas Abortion Law Is a Trial Run for the Right Wing's Strategy Across America

Common sense prevailed in a court ruling striking down one provision of the Texas law. But three other provisions remain

by Amanda Marcotte
Mention Texas and most people immediately think of right-wing politicians in cowboy boots and hats. But there's a new image coming from Texas in recent weeks: women standing up against oppressive conservative policies. Despite the best efforts of pro-choicers (remember Wendy Davis) to filibuster and kill a bill designed to shut down most abortion clinics in the state, dogged anti-choice Republicans passed it anyway in a second special legislative session designed solely to pass the law. Most conservatives thought the story would end there, but it didn't.
 Women and pro-choicers got a measure of hope on Monday when a federal court judge in Texas shot down one of the most onerous provisions of the law that would require doctors at clinics to have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital. As the judge rightly said, this provision constitutes "a substantial obstacle in the path of a woman seeking an abortion". Common sense is finally prevailing in Texas. If this ruling hadn't happened, 13 clinics would have to shut down immediately.


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