26 April 2014

How One Profitable Company Took Home A Tax Refund Equal To All Of The SNAP Benefit Cuts

By NH Labor | April 22, 2014

Last year the Republicans in the House pushed to cuts the SNAP program by $5 billion dollars over the next ten years. These draconian cuts reduced benefits to millions of hungry children. The GOP claims we need to balance the budget and they refuse to make changes to the tax rates, which would lead to higher revenues. “NO NEW TAXES!” Republicans across the country have vowed, even signed pledges, not to raise taxes or create any new taxes. Because the Republicans are unwilling to make changes to our tax system, they insist on making cuts to programs like SNAP, to balance our budget.

Our taxes help to pay for everything from the town snowplow driver to the roads we drive on. They pay for the schools and the teachers who educate our children. They pay for the police officers and firefighters who keep us safe, day and night. That is what our taxes pay for. Taxes are the financial foundation that our community is based on.


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