02 May 2005

Avedon Carol: Can you suspend your disbelief?

I've let myself get behind on this thing, but of course The Brad Blog has kept up, and notes that the vote-fraud issue is starting to make its way into the mainstream press. He links a WaPo article I missed that directly addresses the study debunking the pathetic Edison-Mitofsky rationalization of the exit-poll/voting tally discrepancies.

As you may recall, I had a quick look at the E-M report when it came out and was unable to find any support for the theory that exit pollsters had oversampled likely Kerry voters. Further review in the face of the later study has only confirmed my initial impression. The Post's Terry Neal, alas, is all too credulous when Mitofsky himself tells him that his own exit polling must have been wrong. He doesn't have any evidence for this, of course, it just is. And even apparently important Democratic hacks are jumping on the bandwagon to explain it all away. (Does anyone know who Mitofsky is, by the way? His eagerness to fall on his sword over this really makes me wonder who he's working for.)


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