04 September 2005

Jesus' General: Happy Republicans Fight Litter

David Mazel is proud of the work his little band of merry Republicans do cleaning up litter in Dr. Dobson's back yard.

David sent me the story behind the picture:

After the sign went up, it occurred to Brooks Haynie and me that some of the local Republicans might be a bit miffed. Brooks thought we owed them an explanation. So he got on the agenda of the next GOP district party meeting (we'd both made sure to register as Republicans beforehand). At the meeting he proceeded to explain calmly that some people consider the Republican Party less than fully tolerant toward gay Americans. God only knows where folks would get such an idea, he said, but anyway we at Alamosa's Gay Republican Majority thought we could do our little bit to correct that misperception, and at the same time help beautify the local highways. What's not to like?


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