20 October 2005

Billmon: Buffoon Watch

Tweety, much to my amazement, kinda sorta gets it:
I think the people watching right now who are voters better start paying attention to this issue. It's not just about whether somebody's name was leaked, it's about whether we went to war under false pretenses or not, whether people knew about that or not, and what they did when they were charged against that kind of offense against the United States.

Now if only that grandfather clock of a mind of his could process the implications of the Niger uranium forgeries, the bogus aluminum centrifuge tubes, the disappearing mobile chemical weapons labs, "Curveball," the Office of Special Plans, Ahmed Chalabi, Judy Miller's double super secret security clearance, Michael Ledeen's meetings with SISMI in Rome, and the Downing Street Memos, he might actually get somewhere.


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