06 October 2005

Billmon: Silent Minority

If the Rovians are looking for good news -- or at least, news that isn't disastrously bad -- about the Miers nomination, the latest Gallup poll may have some for them. It shows that, by almost a 2-to-1 margin, self-identified conservatives are proclaiming themselves reasonably satisifed with Shrub's crony crone:
Among respondents who described themselves as conservative, 58 percent said the Miers pick was excellent or good, and 29 percent thought it was only fair or poor.

CNN makes a big deal out of the fact that this is a less favorable response than the right-wing love rapture that greeted John Roberts (77% good or excellent, 13% fair or poor.) But to me that doesn't seem nearly as significant as the fact that all the anguished caterwauling in Right Blogostan (and in George Will's op-ed factory) doesn't seem to represent the mainstream of conservative opinion out in that bizarre constructed reality sometimes known as "meat space."


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