20 October 2005

Digby: Judy's Silver Bullet

Puttering around I came upon this paper (pdf) that Judy Miller delivered to the Aspen Institute's 2003 symposium called "In Search Of An American Grand Strategy For The Middle East" just days before she accidentally met up with Rootin-Tootin' Scooter in Jackson Hole. It's not particularly revealing --- not even one mention of the roots or the turning. It's only notable for its almost embarrassing incoherence, in which she tries to strike a neutral analytical pose but can't seem to help slipping in her belief that those darned weapons just must have existed! Even as she pretends to be skeptical of the Bush Doctrine she says that our mission in Iraq has been successful because we've managed to scare the Mid East and Europe into doing our bidding.(The Tom Friedman "Our Guy's Crazier Than Your Guy" theory.)


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