28 January 2006

Cursor's Media Patrol - 01/27/06

As 'Hamas upset rattles Bush strategy,' Justin Raimondo argues that "If ever there was a clear case of 'blowback,' then this is it," and the Electronic Intifida's Ali Abunimah calls the Hamas victory 'A Vote for Clarity' that "pulls the rug from under the project of trying to deflect the blame for the conflict from Israeli colonization to Palestinian internal pathologies." Plus: could it happen here?

"The U.S. public is increasingly exposed to propaganda disseminated overseas in psychological operations," according to a "secret Pentagon roadmap on war propaganda" obtained by the National Security Archive.

The Washington Post details "several elements in the NSA spying debate that have been clouded by apparent contradictions and mixed messages from the government," while a New York Times/CBS News poll finds that "responses to questions about the administration's eavesdropping program varied significantly depending on how the questions were worded."

As the FBI and other government agencies are accused of spying on Georgia vegans, Bill Berkowitz reports on how an ACLU Freedom of Information Act request revealed "that the FBI has been collecting information from ... right-wing think tanks that have long had environmental activists in their cross hairs."

Mark Crispin Miller, author of "Fooled Again" -- which argues that "there is actually no convincing evidence that Bush and Cheney won re-election" -- says in an interview that "the most hostile reviews that I've received have been in Mother Jones and Salon."


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