20 August 2006

Digby: Stepping Into The Breach

Back in 2000, I had a standard argument for Naderites who claimed "there's not a dime's worth of difference between them" because they both are beholden to big business. I always said that you had to look at the coalitions that formed both parties and as long as Democrats had unions and women's groups and environmentalists etc in their coalition, their big business ties would be mitigated and there would be better legislation produced. I was wrong.

Matt Stoller has been doing a series of posts over the last few months about how Washington really works and it sobered me up quite a bit. He has a new installment, here. It's not that there's not a dimes worth of difference between them, it's that they are corruptly symbiotic and that symbiosis is mostly enabled by "bipartisan" players like Lieberman and the revolving door of lobbyists.


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