25 September 2006

Digby: Hicks Fer Jesus

I just watched "Red State" yesterday. It's very well done. The narrative seems slow moving and kind of meandering at first and then everything just sneaks up on you until by the end you are truly creeped out.

At first I thought it was a slightly unfair portrayal because he was only showing a very particular kind of red state person. By the end I knew why --- he had a point to make and it's scary as hell. He let these people make it for him. There are way too many Americans who truly believe that the government of the United States should be a theocracy. And throughout this film you see how that idea has so permeated a certain constituency that there's almost no way to get through to them. (The film works well as a companion to Kevin Phillips' "American Theocracy" and Michelle Goldberg's "Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism.")


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