14 December 2006

Digby: Holding The Line

Firedoglake, Pandagon and many others have been writing about NARAL's inexplicable decision to take a "neutral stance" on one of those move-the-goalpost pieces of legislation which are designed to normalize anti-choice talking points for future consideration:
"...the awkward phrasing of "20 weeks past fertilization" classifies a woman as pregnant even before implantation of the egg in the uterus. That's the type of legalese that could redefine certain types of birth control, like Plan B, as abortifacients."
I do not think NARAL understands its function anymore. It is not a politician from a conservative district who won with only a few percentage points and needs to pander. It is not a political party that needs to gloss over differences to come to consensus. It is an advocacy organization. Its job is to hold the line and then move the debate their way.


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