02 February 2009

34 GOP Senators Oppose the Recovery Plan: In Their Own Words

Sun Feb 01, 2009 at 08:26:45 AM PST

Originally posted at The Seminal. Thanks for all of the recs (and the front page link, McJoan).

Just as House Republicans did, GOP Senators are now pretending they'll vote for the economic recovery package if only those unreasonable Democrats would toss them a bone or two. For the most part, they are lying. They will kick and scream for every concession possible, creating a new faux outrage every few hours. Foolishly, Democrats will likely cave to some of these demands. Then, Republicans will vote against the bill overwhelmingly. It is difficult to imagine anything more sinister than this. They are essentially weakening the bill as much as possible, making it less likely to work. Then they'll bail at the last second, in case it does fail, so they can point their fingers and assign all of the blame to Democrats.


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