30 October 2006

Cursor's Media Patrol - 10/30/06

It's suggested that October might prove the 'tipping point' for supporters of the war in Iraq, where the chaos and the level of violence encountered lead Anthony Shadid to conclude that "civil war was perhaps too easy a term, a little too tidy."

One of the highest ranking U.S. military officers is said to have recommended removing all American troops from Baghdad, and Rep. John Murtha says that "there is no question" the U.S. military is turning against the war, as some officers reportedly "fear the administration may be trying to shift responsibility their way."

A missile attack on a Pakistani madrassa that reportedly killed 80 people, was launched by a U.S. predator drone targeting Ayman al-Zawahiri, according to ABC News.

A Los Angeles Times article detailing how Karl Rove 'taps government resources to boost candidates in need' is called a "truly priceless moment of Rove hagiography" for lauding him as a "virtuoso" even if the Democrats win both houses. Plus: Do the Republicans stand a prayer?

The Washington Post picks up the story, promoted by Matt Drudge and seized upon by Sen. Allen's campaign, about the sexual scenes in Jim Webb's Vietnam novels, but it's asked when the major dailies will 'do stories on Allen's divorce and warrants.'

As a Bush political appointee is accused of rejecting staff scientists' recommendations to protect endangered species, federal spending for all energy R&D is reportedly "less than half what it was a quarter-century ago," and has failed to keep pace with the urgency of the environmental challenge.


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