30 October 2006

Digby: Queen O The Harpies

They're so desperate they've dragged Lynn Cheney out of her hive to go on CNN and screech "you are not a good man" to Wolf Blitzer, or something to that effect. She'll be swooping in in a few minutes. Tune in, if you have the stomach.

The promo I just saw had Wolf pointing out that innocent people have been captured and imprisoned and "aggressively interrogated" and then set free. Her reply? "How do you know they're innocent?" Wolf rather confusedly said, "well --- they're walking around free..." and she went on to say that one of then alleged innocents had had a bookstore in London that sold radical Islamic texts. So apparently, selling certain books now can get you kidnapped, waterboarded and imprisoned without trial until they're done with you. Good to know.


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